Can a person enjoy Guns while also supporting some form of Gun control? Why or why not?

I like guns. I don't think anyone can argue that guns aren't fun. That's not the point of gun legislation. I think you're looking at a multi-faceted issue as though it is a clear black and white situation. Duality is a thing. You should support gun control no matter what you think about firearms. It's common sense. That's why they're called "common sense laws"

but hoooooo nooooo... not in America! You're comin fer our rights!!

I think guns are great fun, and hunting is an American tradition... but, if a law was on the floor saying no one can own anything other than small handguns (and BUCKSHOT shotguns for hunting), I would 100% support it and so would every RESPONSIBLE non-insane gun lover who doesn't believe everything Alex Jones & FOX says. You can love guns without using AR's and all that shit. In fact, I think there's more to appreciate in a fine hunting rifle than there is in a military standard issue rifle. One is beautiful, one is designed to kill the maximum number of humans in the shortest time possible.
Our gun laws come from a time when it took several minutes to reload muskets between single shots. You'd have to be a fool not to support modern gun laws. They aren't coming for your guns. They're coming for the militias guns.

/r/AskReddit Thread