Can you slowly become a sociopath by doing worse and worse things each day?

You can technically be diagnosed a sociopath (ASPD) through actions or having a type of lifestyle at odds with society. Though the disorder stems from an anti-social outlook or relatinship with the world and society coming from a lack of innate empathy. That is what the disorder has in common with psychopathy, the lack of empathy. For the most part they are essentially the same, one is more mental the other is more action orientated. How you think versus how you act.

No matter how much you do you won't mentally turn into one or the other, it's innate. If you don't have low or no empathy already you might cause yourself harm from too much guilt or grief. If you do "bad" things and don't experience guilt or remorse than you may already be a sociopath as that is one of the diagnostic criteria.

/r/morbidquestions Thread