Can someone explain to me why the young internet left doesn't want to talk about capitalism or economics?

SJW's are not leftists.

They are young adults who have grown up in an authoritarian society and have absorbed the authoritarian tendencies of their parents but merely 'flipped' the focus onto things they deem offensive. They have no concept that an open dialogue where offensive opinions and unpopular ideas can be discussed leads to a dialectic where actual understanding and progress can happen.

SJW's are primarily from a Post-literate generation. Anything longer than a 30 second explanation is seen as pretentious, again the rampant anti-intellectualism of an authoritarian wartime society has narrowed their critical and analytical thinking.

Identity politics is the newest form of commodified dissent for a digital age. Every like, click and page view increases ad-revenue for social media.

Identity politics and political self-censorship allows for the narrowing of the spectrum of ideas thus excluding class awareness and an economic lens that might unify members of the working classes against exploitation.

In addition the technology of social media and mobile apps has so inured the expectation of personal customization that we have rapidly become a society that believes that only personal choices matter. Again another way to commodify every action and opinion and move politics into the arena of marketing demographics and consumption rather than civil action and public policy.

We live in a society where the proletariat has been fooled into believing it is the Petite bourgeoisie because they can monetize a vlog or be an uber driver, the Petite bourgeoisie believe they are the Capitalists because they have a 401K, and the Capitalist themselves are so beyond the experience of the average person that they have revived the idea that they are in fact a divinely anointed nobility.

Steinbeck's aphorism has never been truer, "Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires."

/r/LateStageCapitalism Thread