Can’t sleep

Yes! Stay positive, Don't let thoughts distract you. It will only hinder you as I'm sure you are becoming aware of. I have to be honest the letting go part isn't easy. , it doesn't mean forgetting about them. Just let go of any expectations and let the thoughts pass as quickly as they came. Since you have a job in the medical field I'm assuming I wouldn't let your mind become too distracted. The thoughts are not helping especially since you consider them your twin flame. Your putting yourself in an amount of agony no one needs to be in, twin flame or not. It's kinda of like having faith in may not always be aware of their presence, but their there always. and yes our belief system is based in a faith that we don't have hard tangible evidence for but still continue to believe. The thought of loving and ultimately being with your twin flame for me falls into that same system.

/r/twinflames Thread