TIL that in Hinduism, atheism is considered to be a valid path to spirituality, as it can be argued that God can manifest in several forms with "no form" being one of them.

In Hinduism there is this rather large emphasis on humanity and being good to people around you,having a good attitude towards them,etc. kind of things.Importantly,it's not saying be nice to Hindus only.It doesn't divide people like that.The most it divides people into is 'dharmi' and 'adharmi'.And it asks people to follow 'dharma',which in a bit cruder sense means duty.So,follow your dharma doesn't mean follow your religion(another translation of dharma) but do your duty as a human being: as a brother/sister,as a son,as a father/mother and so on.This duty includes a variety of things..right from learning sciences/languages/mathematics,etc.,applying,settling and marrying,raising up kids and then detaching yourself from worldly possessions(money,the land,clothes,etc.) ..all in different phases of life.And detachment here doesn't mean physical renunciation,it means the internal & mental aspect.You are being asked to stop holding all the things you bought or possessed,so dear. So,coming back 'dharmi' means someone who follows/does his duty and 'adharmi' means someone who doesn't.The concept of 'adharmi' is also rather interesting as it doesn't mean someone who does 'evil' deeds.Again,it's more to do with duty.As an example,someone who doesn't respect his teacher(guru),makes noise inside the classroom while the teacher is teaching can be considered low-key adharmi.

So there is pretty much no stress on idol/non-idol worship or worshiping a certain God.If you want to pray to a specific form you can,if you want to pray to only a formless name you can.Neither is grounds to be a Hindu(or a non-Hindu for that matter) It's more to do with how you live your life.

Thus,not surprised that atheism is also considered a valid path.

P.S.: This is what I have come to understand from what all I have read about Hinduism so far.Hopefully not wrong.lol.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org