Can't carry myself out of Silver

"This is actually frustrating,no matter how mechanically skilled and game aware you are the game will not reward you."

This popped out to me as a problem.

Do not take this the wrong way, but you're not as mechanically skilled and aware of the game as you think you are. If you were, you would not be silver. Also, without knowing how you play the game, it's difficult to diagnose why exactly you're stuck in silver; but, do not deflect frustration of being stuck in silver on to circumstances you cannot firmly control (teammates, AFKs, trolls, etc..), that's a waste of time and slows down your improvement. Start changing your mindset to consider what YOU could have done better in every situation, instead of what your teams did or did not do. Even if you win a teamfight, ask yourself, what could I have done better. Did I really need to burn a summoner spell? Did I attack the best target? Etc...

Download the replayhud for overwolf for a awesome program that allows you to instantly rewatch how you died in-game.

Now, let's just look at your top-3 played champions and see what we might be able to contrive from the data. Your top champions are Riven, Annie, and Rengar. Riven and Rengar are relatively squishy and skill demanding. Annie is an easy point and click champion. Your win rates for each respectively are 52%, 43%, and 27%. The win rates suggest you're not going to climb out of silver any time soon.

The problem with champions like Riven and Rengar is the lack of forgiveness for making mistakes. Also, you're more prone to make mistakes with champions that require more skill to master, so it's a bit of a problem. Annie is super easy to carry in low elo, because she can catch people out of position and blow them up fast with a point and click area of effect stun and nuke that is on a low cooldown. You still have a losing win rate with her, so you might want question how much you understand the game from a mid or support lane perspective.

You have good win rates on Amumu and Warwick, 70% and 83% respectively, but that sample sizes are not as large. Both champions are easy to understand, so you do not have to think about the mechanics involved of playing them like you would Riven or Rengar. This frees up the ability to think about how to win the game and it's much harder to make a mistake on them.

To summarize my interpretation of your summoner data in reference to answering your question about how to escape silver; if you want to gain elo now, play a limited pool of easy to play champions in each role. If you continue to use high-skilled champions, you're going to improve at a much slower rate and subsequently be stuck in silver longer. Playing easier champions allows you to focus on how to win games and less time worrying about making a mistake that costs the game. If you decide to stick to Riven and Rengar anyhow, watch challenger level streams who explain their game play to learn; but, expect a much, much slower improvement process.

Lastly, if you make another account, you will most probably be placed in silver again. The only significant reasons to create a new account would be to reduce queue times (challenger/master) or to play with friends in a lower elo. Don't waste your time creating another account, because you won't improve your skill as much as you would if you continue to play in the elo you're in.

Why am I not studying for finals?

TDL: Start blaming yourself more for the games and improve faster, don't waste time blaming others. Ask yourself, "what could I have done better in that situation?" Play easier champions to gain elo or stick with difficult champions to improve slower. Watch challenger streamers to improve. Do not create another account.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread