Be careful who you marry.

There was a day when I was estranged from my wife (we've since made amends, but);

She called the police and had me escorted out of the house. She said I wasn't on the lease (I was, but at the time, wasn't aware of it) and when I asked the cop who showed up about my collection he side-eyed me and said,

"We're not going in there and taking inventory, for God's sake, let's go".

As I was leaving with a plastic bag of clothes and nowhere to sleep for the night, he said, "do yourself a favor, buddy. Don't come back".

I was so sure my collection would be smashed, but fortunately it wasn't sold or hacked up. I came back months later with a Uhaul and managed to get everything I own and moved.

I'm only adding this because people are looking at you like this is strange and lacking a lot of details.

And it probably it lacking a lot of details.

But honestly these things do actually happen, and when You're feeling down and out about it, you just don't have it in you to weite the whole story.

My heart goes out to you, dude. Maybe buy it all on a credit card and pay it off slowly?

She's selling them off way too cheap anyway.

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