One last look at my collection before I put it up for sale.

Honestly, I expect this is going to be happening much more often in the next couple of years, for the following reasons:

1) Games, generally, are so valuable now that more people are going to decide to offload.

2) You can keep the consoles and get everdrives/ODEs and still play all the games on real hardware without physical copies of the games. The experience of actually playing the game is virtually identical.

3) Alternatively, Mister FPGA plays everything up to and including PS1 and Saturn, including retro PC platforms and arcade machines, and the experience is damn near indistinguishable from the real hardware. It's a marvel.

Basically, owning physical copies is no longer even remotely necessary, but of course, many of us are too attached to ever think of letting our physical games go.

/r/gamecollecting Thread Link -