Found a grail at a LGS. I’m done for a while.

You’re missing the point that I am trying to make. Can we collectively stop putting these games on pedestals as “holy grails” when they are just video games? Also the “supply and demand” thing is a weak reason for the blatant price gouging that is going on currently with this once fun hobby. What it comes down to now is that game collectors are a specific niche of collectors who will pay practically any price without any evidence of said “low print runs”. I mean you’re dealing with people who are willing to pay hundreds for games they never played.

So again, Dracula X is a slightly above average game that really needs to stopped being referred to as the most amazing thing ever conceived by human hands. Stop paying these dumb prices, unless this and other games mean a lot to you personally. Otherwise it’s most likely the excitement of value that makes these game carts “grails”, which is bullshit.

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