My rare and valuable GameCube games on display. What’s some of your most prized GameCube games in your collection ?

My original childhood copy of SA2B (Players Choice). It still has the $20 EB Games sticker on it from when my grandpa bought it for me, so I hold that copy especially close to me. The last day I was able to thrift before stores closed for the pandemic I managed to find a black label copy at a Goodwill, so those stickers can remain untouched. Also was an absurdly lucky find to come across before having to stay at home.

Also a CIB copy of Super Mario Sunshine. Kid me was like "cool you can remove the cover art from the cases now" and then promptly lost it lol. I eventually thrifted a CIB Players Choice copy on my birthday one year, on my first trip to a Savers. Considered that insanely lucky and was able to finally replace my childhood loose disc with a proper boxed copy.

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