What Is The Game Hunting Scene Like Now?

From my personal opinion: it’s bad and only getting worse by the month. Anything related to Nintendo or JRPG stuff has been really bad for a few years now. But what’s been shocking to me is that the PS2/3/P/Vita scene skyrocketed basically overnight this year.

More people are interested in the hobby, more people know the value in what they have, less people are selling. It’s a dangerous supply/demand dynamic that’s completely out of control.

I think the only way things get back under control is if emulators continue to make a huge jump in quality and accessibility. Or if what Nintendo is doing now with their retro online service extends to the GameCube era. Or if the Virtual Console ever comes back. Or if PlayStation does its own retro thing again… Stuff like this should help even out demand. I think most people just want access to the games they grew up with.

/r/gamecollecting Thread