Is cat nip a drug?

Catnip (Nepeta cataria) is a perennial herb that is a member of the mint family. The chemical compound in the plant that attracts and affects cats is called nepetalactone. It is found in the leaves and stems. Nepetalactone is a stimulant when sniffed by a cat, producing a "high" that is described as being similar to either marijuana or LSD, and the effects last for about 10 minutes before wearing off and the cat going back to normal. When a cat eats catnip, it acts as a sedative, but when smelled, it causes the cat to go crazy. It is thought to mimic feline pheremones and trigger those receptors. It is also known to help humans, it has been used for its sedative properties in humans for centuries, having similar properties to chamomile and is a very potent mosquito repellent

Source: PetMD

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