caught feelings became BP want to come back ..... I think I hit the tipping point.

Update: she contacted me asking me if i was ready to stop being an asshole and if not to not contact her for awhile.

so should i put her in her place or just let it be?

if i were to put her in her place i would tell her this(not verbatim of course)

I’m done tolerating your bullshit. Stop acting like a bitch.

I don’t care about your past, who you abandoned, who abandoned you, Or why you decide to just erase shit like you’re dead inside; That’s back then, this is now. You act like a bitch because the second something doesn’t go your way you go to extremes, Oh we had a small fight fuck you goodbye forever. Let me focus on only the negative shit and blow that out of proportion, Fuck it if i talked to you like you talk to me you’d be out in a second.

I’m done being castrated by my emotions for you, that’s over with. I have a set of principles that i put aside wen i started dating you and i shouldn't have; I should never have apologized like i did for calling you my bitch, fuck it should have told you to just get over it. Shit happens and no-ones perfect. No. I’m done backing down and apologizing for literally nothing. I’m done apologizing because you decided to go the extra mile and just imagine and convince yourself of the worst shit, Chill with that imagination of yours. And calm the fuck down every now and then, if you wanna freak out about nothing that’s on you. I’m not gunna feed into that anymore.

We’re the same type of people were gunna clash, get used to it.

or am i going about this (commanding respect/nuclear shit-test like in the sidebar) all wrong?...too wordy maybe?

/r/asktrp Thread