To celebrate inaugural or not? Trump critics divided

Pathetic. You asked for a response with legitimate points that support their reasoning for the view of the presidentelect, all of which are against your own, so you dismiss it with a middle school taunt yourself....without providing any points of discussion with any substance yourself.

Absolutely pathetic. People like yourself are the reason the whole world is against your country right now and you dont even realise it. Youre being divided and conquered and you dont even see it. Theres a reason quotes like these have been around for a long long time

Divide and conquer History repeats itself

The world is watching the fall of the United States of America as we speak. People like yourself voted for this. Your once great nation is done. You have succesfully been divided, now watch as Russia and China take a much stronger foothold in a Bi/Trilateral geopolitical structure and watch your influence diminish.

TLDR: ur country is fucked mate, and you have no one to blame but yourselves. Enjoy fighting amongst yourselves while the world watches your burn and your enemies take a stronger position

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