CEO and co-founder of Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot, just got a question about Siege's servers

lol,markting bullshit at its best. Just leave them behind and move on.

Can you take a CEO serious, that claims to be so deeply involved into "rolling out fixes" with "many different teams" and still is so uninformed (or unwilling to talk) about the current tasks that he only can refer to past, seen as unsatisfying and unsuccessful fixes by most? Not even a general info about one or more things like priorities, timeline, tasks, problems being takled right now? Cool, this is really entertaining and promising...

Oh, now I understand. It has to do with "keeping important things disclosed" because they are so secret and could change until roll-out... Or he couldn't understand a shit when the programmers told him what tasks they are working on... Or he just wanted to show the programmers and marketing guys how "real men with decades of experience" only need an AMA to bring calm the masses... Or he just got kicked out from every other responsible task and was left with AMA on E3 as he was the one with the lowest qualification and is only a hinderance for anybody else... Or he just wants a new girlfriend and someone told him that the hottest girls in the ubisoft playerbase play RS6... Or... open for suggestions, pls feel free to add.

Seriously. If this is his best of a bold statement of commitment... then he was CEO for too long and is unable to abandon this chafing political no-statement language. Or he is just trying to prolong the time where players still pay, because he said there is still hope.

/r/Rainbow6 Thread Link -