Check-in Post - Have something to say but don't want to make a post about it? Comment here!

I'm not really sure if I should be posting here, but after spending a few days on this sub and seeing some of your stories I decided to pop something up about an interaction with my parents from last weekend. There is a wall of text incoming and I honestly feel a little guilty typing it all out because it seems so minor.

I went to a wedding with my fiancé. We looked really nice: he's lost a lot of weight and I gained weight after dealing with an eating disorder for several years. My parents completely ignore my fiancé (we've been together 9 years and engages for 3) and the first thing out of my dad's mouth is that my ass got really big. (I started weightlifting to combat my ED and have worked hard on cultivating a booty).

He also grabbed our name cards for the table and plopped me down next to him which was uncomfortable.

Here is an overview of an hour spent next to him where he:

-tried to talk to me about politics and gave me for being a commie femnazi. (He's voting for Trump, surprise!)

-made a very tasteful (/s) date rape joke about how "she can't say no if she's asleep! Wink wink nudge nudge" to the bride and groom

-gave me grief for dropping out of my school's RN program to peruse a personal training cert for my job and wasting his and my mother's money they paid for a year of school (back in 2006...which they took out an unnecessarily massive Sallie Mae loan for that I didn't even know about until afterwards when they asked for $200/month in cash to pay them back), nevermind that all the credits transferred

-made rude comments ("too good for this hillbilly stuff huh city boy?") when my fiancé wouldn't drink the moonshine he smuggled in with him.

-told me how little I have compared to them at my age

  • talked about the expensive vacation they planned that only I was given a loud, verbal, invitation to, right in front of my fiancé. (I typically decline their invitations because they do this often and often make a comment about how "they really didn't want to take me anyway, but they were being nice" or "we'll pay your way since your pointed stare at fiancé boyfriend isn't working a real job" (He's working on a DPT so I am the full time worker.)

I've gone LC with both of my parents and my sister (who I guess I would label as the Golden Child?) and haven't seen them in person since Christmas. (I live about 35 minutes away and my family is often around my area to eat out at their favorite restaurant but haven't visited me in the 2 years I've moved to my new place.)


I guess it's just nice to know that there are others who have dealt with similar situations and that I'm not being ungrateful or making a mountain out of a molehill.

There is a lot more to my backstory, and maybe one day I'll have the courage to rehash it all out, but for today I think I'll just leave it.

Thanks for reading. :)

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread