Check-In Saturday (4th June 2016)

Just like last week I am still somewhat in stuck in a bored state. I took up drawing but didn't manage to fill more than 3 pages of my notebook. I am starting to get interested in Photography again, it is something I always enjoyed a lot, bummer I sold all my lenses and my cam about a year ago when I had to move. I might just buy a used 5D and invest into some quality lenses. Resale value won't drop by that much if I get bored by it.

Yesterday I had three friends come through town unexpected. I agreed to meet them because I had cleaned up my apartment just a few hours before. I am not sure if it was the Clonazepam or boredom which took over, but we all went to eat at a very crowded place and it ended up being pretty cool overall. I wish I didn't have to take benzo's as a crutch, but they seem to help me more than hurt me. I can't be bothered to taper off anyhow so I guess I am stuck with them.

Coming week I'll start going to the gym again, I just had the longest break for this year. It should reach 3 weeks by Wednesday. Ok, I was sick and had the flu for 1.5 weeks, but not working out is starting to bother me. With as much free time I have and a 24/7 gym not even 5 minutes near me I shouldn't make up excuses.

The only other thing on my mind is the issue I have with a tight knit group of friends. We used to spend all day long on Teamspeak playing video games and just bullshitting around. They helped me move, we went on vacation with each other and are kind of really close. But somewhere at the start of this year, from one day to the other I stopped login on to teamspeak, stopped talking to them and basically semi-unfriended them. They all bought overwatch, and so did I, they asked me to come on teamspeak but I was way to high so I declined. For some reason they didn't take it well (?), at least that's how it seemed. After two days of playing overwatch I realized how much of a waste of time gaming is starting to become to me. So right now I feel pretty much done with gaming, but that also means that I am done with the group of friends, it's somewhat sad, they are nice people, but at the same time their banal behaviour at the same age of mine makes me not want to be in those circles to long anyways. Maybe I am just bitter, but I am not sure about what.

/r/Schizoid Thread