ChickenTrump Movement Gains Steam: By Turning Down Debate, Donald Trump May Have Lost His Chance At Winning Over "Bernie or Bust" Supporters.

they'll only increase as Trump reveals himself more and more as the con artist that he is.

That's an unbiased statement if I ever heard one. That # probably won't increase at all. The last study I saw about this said 38% will vote for Trump over Hilary. If that # is border she will start with 62%.

Historically for both times she tin now her favorability trading has always shrank from its starting point. As of right now Trump is beating her in the polls from several sources.

Trump is gaining strength daily while she's losing ground.

Sanders will not be the nominee even if indicted which is a long shot. Hilary is #1 least favourable and #1 least trusted of who's left.

Trump will destroy her in the debates. Hilary is the fraud taking in well over 100 million in donations from countries we sell weapons to for her charity.

Putin claims to have Hillary's hacked e-mails and those could be released at any time.

She can't remain in hiding like she has forever. She loses support every time she sidesteps questions about her emails and speeches.

Do you have any evidence her #s will magically rise?

There are many Sanders supporters who won't vote for her.

Trump hasn't even brought up how she tells racist jokes at her rallies or how she lied about Benghazi and being shot at by snipers in Kosovo.

His tool belt is full of ammo. This fraud you claim about Trump is something you know next to nothing about clearly.

If you're talking about his university this is a frivolous lawsuit that got a click bait headline. Rich people get sued all the time. He wouldn't return a student's money so he's being sued. Big deal. He already has countless students who signed forms they were happy they went and made videos praising the course. This is a lawsuit he likely won't lose.

It's kind of like when Subway was sued for selling $5 foot longs that weren't a foot long. After the suit they changed their ads and a small settlement was reached. With Trump, r won't be able to call it a University anymore. That's it. Not everybody who bought a sub got a huge check and same with his students.

Hilary and Bernie are both done for.

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