[NeedAdvice]What's wrong with me?

I sometimes feel something similar to what you are feeling. Sometimes I even have to consciously think about how there are great people who started about my age (I turned 22 about a week ago). And I keep blaming myself for not doing something useful with my life when I was 12 or 13 or 14... and so on. But then I remember all the good things that were done. All the fun things that could not be done if I was studying extra programming or something like that. Lately I started to go through this cycle really quick - "I can't do anything - because I started only recently - because I didn't do anything useful several years ago - I hate myself - Oh wait I didn't have the opportunity to do something useful - And the useless things were fun - And blaming myself gets me nowhere - I don't hate myself anymore". The much shorter version is "feeling this is ok, but I shouldn't let it bother me"

I kinda have another problem - I haven't found my passion yet. So I feel like if I start following some current semi-passions I have, I'll regret it in the future when I realize that my true passion is something entirely different.

But you have a passion - Cybersecurity. You are learning stuff, you are devoting time for you passion (not completely, though). I think the big picture is ok. And about devoting more time for Cybersecurity - as far as I know, this subreddit is a great way to learn how to devote more time for your passion. (Learning how to do this is why I'm here)

Also, about blaming yourself (again). I totally agree with the other comments. Nothing bad is happening right now because of your past mistakes. I'm not even sure what you described are mistakes. (Also, maybe it's frowned upon here (I'm new to reddit), but forgiving yourself is one of the great four advices from the top post of this subreddit).

/r/getdisciplined Thread