Children of dumb parents... how do you deal with it? How has it affected your life?

A+ ' Wow good job ' A ' Keep it this way ' A- ' Raise that % BABY!!! ' B+ ' Homework first forever until you get to an A ' B ' I'm emailing the teachers of what you did wrong ' B- ' No computer, no anything, sit and do it right. ' C + and lower Never got there

Apparently Gamefly is a scam as in they're completely free for the first month and I say we can cancel it if it's not good enough for her high expectations for generally anything and everything. The scam would be that Gamefly would say I need to pay 60$ to rent a game and then shipping prices over 10$ for in and back... ????? I say to my mom and then she pretends she has a migraine.

Knives are devilish and I'd go to hell if I continued having a karambit in counter strike go.

God spoke to her in her sleep apparently and said I'm gay :C

I've turned gay due to talking to my friend apparently.

Pretends that when I want something for example a game with a free 1 month demo even though that doesn't exist, that she can't afford it and it's not necessary, INB4 leaves Laptop on and pre logged in on bank... over 50,000$ ripperoni. (I'm talkin' like 15 - 20$ games here)

Oh yeah, and believes anything on Facebook... anything non organic for example a non organic mint would give me a plague and kill me instantly. Organic is the best way to live life is another example, I agree to an extent. Gaming will make you blind, and when I'm finished gaming for 8 hours straight I come off the computer and my mom pretends that my eyes are derp. Says to be careful with the money she gives me incase I'd get scammed even though the only time I've been tricked or scammed in my life was on Runescape 3 lol.

/r/AskReddit Thread