In China, every citizen is being assigned a credit score that drops if a person buys and plays video games, or posts political comments online “without prior permission," or even if social media "friends" do so.

That was very cute of you. It's beautifully simple minded.

Here's a hint for you, just because you've felt for your entire life that you're an underachiever, and could do something, if you were to apply yourself, doesn't actually make you an achiever.

You're still a nobody, who has achieved exactly the amount they could.

You may have convinced yourself that you're above average, and that you're naturally better than most, but you're not. Why? Because you've never evidenced that. You instead just complain about those around you who have done better, and will.

You probably lay at night, wondering where it all went wrong. The answer is, it never did. This is the life you've only ever been capable of. A dead end existence, with no impact on the world. You dream of heros, and aspire to be one, but the only way you could make it in the news, would be to shoot up some unarmed kiddies.

So you've succumbed to a life where you eagerly await a comment on Reddit, so you can dribble on your keyboard, with the only adrenaline rush you'll get that day. You physically start to shake, as you fill with blind rage at some pixels on a screen. What a pitiful existence.

You're plainly simple. You type your thoughts as they come into your head, with no desire to engage a second iteration on that. You expose your weaknesses and your utmost beliefs with passion. A string of words, that have no basis in reason or logic sit in front of you, that only spell out one thing: disappointment. Every one of your comments is as self reflective as the last, and they're full of anguish at your own existence.

So now you sit there alone with the hardest decision you'll face today, do I try to insult a person who I think I've sussed out, or do I masturbate to something that'll I'll never achieve?

Let me save you some time, and suggest you look up some girls instead. Because you're too simple to be able to get a reaction out of me. You're too much of an idiot to elicit an emotion.

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