China's Xi says willing to join France in combating terrorism

French embassy in China has a microblog (think about twitter, but in Chinese). Today the highest voted comment is:


When Kunming incident happened, French media said: "when people cannot express their demands via normal channels, they sometimes have to resort to violence." I apologize but I have to return this sentence back to you.

Note 1: Kunming incident refers to killing by Jihadists in Kunming train station. French media's original words were something like "China should revisit its policy toward minorities, when people cannot express their demands via normal channels, they sometimes have to resort to violence."

Here is another highly voted comment:

对在巴黎发生的种族冲突感到遗憾,法国政府应该通过对话的方式与穆斯林群体进行沟通,而不应对穆斯林维权人士的和平抗争进行打压! 我们谴责所有发生的暴力行为,但这与法国政府一直有系统的迫害少数民族有关,粗暴压制他们的宗教信仰和生活方式,才造成今天的局面。

We feel sorry for the racial clash happening in Paris. French government should conduct dialogue with Muslim groups, instead of oppressing Muslims peaceful protests. We condemn all violence, but this incident is related to French government's institutional oppressing of minorities. The government limit minorities' freedom of religion and way of life, which caused today's situation.

Note 2: terrorism attacks in China were sometimes reported as "racial clash" and "peaceful protests" by (some) western media (I am not making this up -- if I remember correctly, July 5th 2009 incident was reported as racial clash, and Hetian 2008 march incident was reported as "peaceful protest"). The above comment was basically a Chinese netizen mimicking how some western media report things.

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