Chinese player found the Q of Zhongli useto have 7s petrification at C0 in official live stream

ok, so here's whatever I could extract from the post:

-The devs probably didn't expect Zhongli's popularity (I really don't know why they didn't expect that) and the nerf was more of a heat of the second thingy right before release. This was done to cull the hype so that they can keep the KPI in line.

-This whole thing is most likely a "tolerance test" on the player base, and most importantly the whales. As long as the whales are still there they aren't going to listen to anything.

-In order to keep the KPI in line with their plan, Albedo(the next banner) may or may not receive a nerf depending on his releasae date. If he's to be released this December, then he's fucked. Otherwise, he's fine. As for Ganyu, she's going to be strong if this whole KPI theory is correct.

In conclusion there is only a small, really small chance for a Zhongli rework given how everything are now in place. Chances are Mihoyo is going to completely ignore the shitshow, or give us false hope of future buffs in patch notes.

imo our only hope lies in this "tolerance test". If it failed miserably in the end, then there will most likely be a Zhongli rework and we wll never see the person in charge of this nerf ever again.

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