Chomsky: "The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum"

Haha, O really? I would disagree. Racism is a ridiculous notion of the uneducated who need to feel important and distinguished. We are all much more similar than different. Just because I don't want a law to force a private company into doing business with someone they dont want to do business with doesn't make me a collectivist. The same goes of creating a law like Jim Crow to force businesses to segregate or only do business with certain races. If one is immoral the other must be too.. you'll disagree obviously.

Let's play another scenario.. this is too much fun.

Let's say there was a murderer of an ethnic (non white) descent who killed one of your close friends. He was tried and convicted and did his time and was later released. Let's also say you own a business and you refuse to do business with him on principal alone. You are later convicted of a discrimantory crime for refusing this man because of ethnic descent. This isn't true obviously and you will make your case but the jury finds you guilty of racial discrimination. Is that just or moral?

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