Cincinnati Zoo kills gorilla to protect small child who fell into enclosure

lol wut

thats like saying 'don't have your dog meet new people so he won't ever bite someone '

the entire exercise of parenting is exposing your kid to situations and experiences where they will fuck up on some level until they get it right. It took me two and half years to get my kid to chill out at the zoo because of the 'Tism. She started running at 10 months and hasn't stopped plus the 'Tism makes her incredibly stubborn and sensory seeking so walking nicely beside me in a temptation laden environment took at least 75 trips to the zoo. plus, she's kind of an asshle (dat 'tism) and will wait until you are digging train ticket out of purse before squirming away and trying to run

some kids, you can't reason with , punish ,spank, ground or motivate with reward stickers/beads until theirs brains are ready to make the connection that they are responsible for good choices and you can't get there without constant exposure .

every goddamn shitty fucking day,I have to purposefully put her in a situation where she has to make a good choice and will likely fail (like not running at the community pool) and freak out when she has to leave for breaking the rules. i fucking hate being that family with the adorable normal looking five year old that still arches her back, screeches and scratches like a baby and dumb people make shitty comments because she looks like claudia from interview with a vampire, so they think she's a brat without noticing the vocal stemming/repetitive nonsense noice and finger flicking.

but the alternative is worse: giving up and letting her get worse/continue bad behavior/act like baby because its too stressful to take her to zoo or pool or what ever the fuck because people's shitty opinions or eye rolls get me down

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