Citi bank study shows Climate change could cost 2 to 44 trillion by 2060... Putting the numbers in perspective.

I did not make any comment about him being homosexual. I am sure he said he was innocent. There were several subsequent messages referring to me as a sexual predator. Here is the first exchange:

[–]Long_dan [score hidden] 1 day ago

Bye bye troll. You had no questions, just some idiotic assertions. Have fun playing Warframe.

Why do you know so much about homosexual practices? On second thought, never mind. I suppose you will need to know that stuff because girlz got germz.

Reality is going to kick your ass.

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[–]kriegson [score hidden] 1 day ago*

"Summ one dowsnt agweeee wit meee! Hews a twolll!"

Aww, cmon kiddo. Surely you can do better than..what looking at my browsing history? Sexual preference? If I was into men, you bet I'd be on top and I wouldn't even give you the benefit of a reach-around. Luckily for you, I'm Married and 27 years old, life kicked my ass for a bit but I go back up and spit in its face.

You on the other hand seem like prime NEET fodder. How's that silver spoon taste?

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[–]Long_dan [score hidden] 1 day ago

Your twenty-seven??!! You could have fooled me. I would have guessed twelve on the outside.

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[–]kriegson [score hidden] 1 day ago

So you're purposely engaging minors in conversations about sexual acts?

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[–]Long_dan [score hidden] 1 day ago


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[–]kriegson [score hidden] 1 day ago

Eleven children in sexual acts? Jeeze man, that's gotta be a record or something! I wonder if that's how many people you would end up being bitch to on a nightly basis in prison for admitting to being a pedophile?

You can see where he took this. He specifically accused me of sexual child abuse after some insults and inuendo. You can ignore it and let it stand.

I will chalk it up to a big lesson leaned. Thank You

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