I need to get this off my chest, but I don't think I can tell anyone who says they'd listen.

Hey, thanks for the response! I am always open to discussing my experience with depression and suicide with others. :P

Stop acting like such a victim.

Where have I acted like a victim? I never asked you or anyone else any one for sympathy. Can you please point to my behavior that portrays me as a victim?

What is so wrong in your life that you seriously think that killing yourself is the way to go ? Seriously. Pretty much most problems can be fixed so either you're too lazy to bother trying or you're being a coward and choosing to remain a dramatic woe is me victim.

I agree, many things can be solved with hard work. But you said, pretty much. Where do you draw the line? If I were to tell you that my problems don't fit into that pretty much category, would you believe me?

Secondly you quite obviously don't want to die because if you really honestly and truly did you wouldn't be grandstanding and being dramatic about it and would just do it.

I'm not sure how to respond to that. Do you want me to prove that I am suicidal? Next week is the 6 month anniversary of my 4th and most recent suicide attempt. Didn't quite work out the way I wanted. I am tweaking my process for my next attempt.

Your boss fired you because you were probably being an asshole. Nobody wants an asshole working for them.

How do you know that? Do you know my boss personally? Do you know where I was working? Are you familiar with the quality of my work? Have you been one of my customers?

Your friends dumped you because if you are to them like you are in this thread they were probably sick of you being miserable and whining about how much your life sucks while simultaneously doing nothing to try to make things better.

Again how do you know that? Do you know my friends? Did you know the way I behaved around them? Were you present during our conversations? Do you know how I behave in real life?

I don't really give a Shit if physical pain and emotional pain are similar. The simple FACT of the matter is that without treatment and without it going into remission by itself, cancer WILL kill you. Along with other terminal diseases.

I disagree. Social isolation reduces your lifespan lead to a lasting erosion of self-esteem and agency, and broken hearts can literally kill you

Depression is NOT a terminal illness. Literally nobody has died because of depression itself....they've died by suicide...NOT depression.

Again, see the links I posted above. Depression can have severe consequences on quality of life, even resulting in early death.

Stop being a cowardly victim and go get treatment...whether that be medication or a therapist.

Have you seen my post history? I have been on medication and seeing a therapist for 7 years. Where did you get the idea that I am not already seeking help?

You quite clearly don't actually want to die.

On what basis are you making that judgment? The fact that I'm still alive? Unfortunately, my suicide attempts so far have been futile.

And I hope you never try to "help" people who are depressed because you are in absolutely no position to help anyone. The fact that you are so pro suicide means that nobody who has suicidal thoughts should trust you to help them because you will just tell them that life is meaningless and they should kill themselves.

I never promote suicide to my clients. If you have a problem with my helping those with depression, please send a message to the medical board in my county. They have deemed me worthy of helping others based on my MS in behavioral science and organic chemistry and extensive field work. They do routine reviews of employer performance as well.

A couple more questions: what exactly in this post made you so angry? You know next to nothing about me. But you have made a large number of assumptions that are based on personal feelings instead of systematic collection evidence or observation of my lifestyle. And then made the decision that I am a terrible person who victimizes myself.

Do you know what job I currently have? Do you know about the productive things I have done in the past? Have I ever met you in real life (that is a legitimate question)? If yes, then PM me your name and we can talk about it. If not, I do not understand where you are coming from with the intensity of your vitriol.

I am sorry if I have made you upset. I do not think it fair for you to call me a victim and judge my actions based on a couple posts on the internet. That represent only a minuscule fraction of my life, who I am, what I have been through, and what I cope with. Th point of my original post was to demonstrate the suicide is not cowardly nor the wrong decision in all cases – even if problems are 100% psychological. From my perspective, you saw that as an illegitimate plea for help. I never wanted to elicit anybody's help or sympathy. I was offering a counter-argument to an opinion with which I disagreed. Nothing more nothing less.

Lastly, if you had a friend, child, significant other, someone else close to you who expressed these same feelings to you, is this what your reaction would be? If you were go to r/suicidewatch right now and help people out, would you espouse the same aggressive attitude you have done to me? And, more importantly, do you think it would help? If yes, that scares me. And it makes me nervous to share world with you where all problems are addressed with intense aggression. If no, why do you have permission to do that to me, an anonymous internet stranger?

I am as equally human as your loved ones, and so I believe I deserve respect and dignity. You have not given me that with your response. Do you think the angry message you have sent me has helped me to feel better (again, 100% legitimate question)? Some people are a fan of tough love; so it's a valid course of action. I am not. I would say you have made me feel worse than I already do.

Anyway, I hope that expressing you anger with me helped to calm you down. You are welcome to respond to all of my questions, some of my questions, or none of my questions. I hope you are able to continue living your life in a way that you see fit. :)

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