Cleaned up after suicide today...

Thank you. Thank you for helping strangers and reminding me that it would be painful for my family.

I quit my job today. My boss told me that my coworkers dislike me and that she wouldn't promote me because although I am the best qualified candidate both with experience and education, she personally dislikes me. She will sabatoge me ever moving up because I'm insubordinate and disrespectful. I gave up Christmas with my family, worked cover shifts, missed one day (which she required a doctors note for even though company policy is no note until three days) in 9 months. I moved to the overnights when the graveyard employee quit because the program needed someone. She told me how she had talked with hr and they agreed with her. So I quit. And I sat in my truck trying not to care and failing and realized my family is better off financially if I just crashed and died on the way home. High speed, brick wall. Over. Fin. My coworkers who were some of my best friends didn't like me. The office didn't like me. I was never moving up. I can't support my family. Fuck. I should just die now.
I drove home slower than usual, afraid what I might do to myself in the hurt. I got home and my husband said quit. Do it now. Its toxic. So I did. And I called my friend/coworker who said that's bullshit, the boss doesn't like that the employee support me as manager and look to me. So I called HR at the head office and he hasn't heard of me or my resume for promotion.
Sometimes things seem out of control. Sometimes when you dig, its not as bad as you thought. And when you stay the course sometimes you get lucky and see a post like yours . You get reminded that suicide hurts. My kids may have to suffer food stamps for a few weeks while I try to find work but they have a mother. There aren't brain pieces in my garage.

Thank you. I needed reminding.

/r/offmychest Thread