The Climate Protest

Lol I knew teaching would be the lowest possible paying job I could go to college for. I’m just passionate about teaching. Would you suggest no one becomes a teacher because it’s low pay? I don’t HAVE to support my family, my dad is a well paid electrician. But I like to give them even more so they never have to even worry.

My friends don’t need my money, but I like to help them out too, because I don’t need this extra money for anything. I have a home and clothes and I can go out and get a drink. I have people that love me and that I love and have a good time with. I don’t need like, stuff I guess. And I don’t want to sit on the money, I have 6 months of living in my savings account I don’t need more.

I’m happy with my life. I love my job, even with its low pay. I don’t think I’m failing. I just don’t want to sit on my money when I can give my friends and family more support for their stuff. I don’t have student debt because I did AmeriCorps.

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