"The Clintons, after all these years as the dominant power couple in the Democratic establishment, also project an imperious sense of entitlement."

I can't answer it because it's not my claim.

I've been attacked for asking an obvious question and I'm not the only one who was.

I've reposted with a hopefully clearer version of the question.

I hate everything she stands for

She stands for fighting against Citizens United. No one stood with her. She stands for fighting against Abu Ghraib which Bush hit us with. She stands for returning US foreign policy to legitimacy after it was robbed from us by the W Bush administration. She stands for fair taxation and an economic driven economic policy instead of the fucking ideological one Trump has chosen. And she stands for reversing the Courts attitude when they worked to methodically deprive the United States of democracy.

SO I don't "hate" everything she stands for. I would hope people stop hating her for the wrong reasons - OR admit that they want us to continue to be FUCKING slaves to a regency, created by the Bush court who CONTROL US WITH MONEY so we don't get to have democracy.

I would HOPE people would like the first democracy to once again be a democracy.

I REALIZE there are people who will vote this year who have never SEEN what a democracy is like who have never LIVED during times of prosperity because -

This country lost the American revolution again in 2003. We used to be a free country with self rule. Now, we have to fight against money to have a voice, just as the American colonists had to fight against the kings money to have a voice.

We lost a lot more than a lot of jobs from 2002 to 2009.

We lost our legitimate place in the world. We lost the dignity of being a free nation who ruled ourselves in a democracy. It was and has continued to be grabbed away by the pro-CU court, appointed by conservatives like Trump wants to do. CU first targeted Hillary Clinton, and I feel it will target her again. It will spend unlimited funds to try to continue to control us.

Leave me alone.

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