Clinton's support drops 16% among youth in one year

I'm sure Clinton wouldn't be down for a lot of what Trumo has said below:

Supports torture, "beyond just waterboarding"

Boots on the ground in Syria and Iraq

'Bomb oil fields' of Iraq and Syria

"Bomb the shit out of them, then send in Exxon to rebuild"

Kill the families of terrorists

“The problem is we have the Geneva Conventions”

"I'd bring back 'a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding'"

"Torture works, okay folks, believe me. Torture works".

"I know how to defeat ISIS very quickly. And I’m not gonna tell you what it is...All I can tell you is that it is a foolproof way of winning the war with ISIS and it will 100%".

Donald Trump Won't Rule Out Using Nukes Against ISIS

Support for nuclear proliferation to Japan, South Korea and Saudi Arabia

Opposes closing Guantánamo, and would instead "fill it with more prisoners"

"U.S. allies should each build their own nuclear weapons"

"Israel should keep building West Bank settlements"

"Obama is Israel's greatest enemy"

2011- Why aren't we doing something? We have all this military in the middle east, and Ghadafi is slaughtering people.

US diplomats no idea how to negotiate. Iran deal "should have taken one day"

'My number one priority is to dismantle the deal with Iran'

Ban all Muslims from entering the US

'Implement a national database of Muslim Americans'

Set up a commission on radical Islam, headed by Rudy Giuliani

Claims to have seen thousands of Arab-Americans cheering WTC collpase on 9/11

Mexican government is sending us criminals, drug dealers, rapists

Believes there are 30+ million illegal immigrants in America

Supports a 'deportation force' - to round up all illegal immigrants

Build a 2000+ mile long wall on border - make Mexico pay for it


Clinton sucks, but at least she understands foreign policy.

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