CMV: Black people can be racist to white people too despite the fact black people are a minority.

I think it’s about power more than numbers. As a white person, particularly living in the US, I know that if someone hates white people it doesn’t really affect my life. If I were to hate another race though, I could do a lot to really ruin theirs.

I also know that everyone has a different definition of what is racist, and if I want end racism, then I need to listen to the people it affects the most. We spend all this time trying to defend what is or isn’t racist, what’s the point? A man can tell me he’s not bigoted, but my experience with him is going to convince me more than his own words. And if he isn’t bigoted, he’s going to listen to me first and not instantly disagree and try to fight me if I think otherwise.

Racism doesn’t affect you the same way if your white, in most places around the world you still are in a power class. Having this view only perpetuates the racism that is harmful to others, why won’t you just listen to what people are saying?

/r/changemyview Thread