CMV: I think it is completely fair that if I won't get any special treatment in the countries that these international students come from, then I shouldn't be expected to waste my time giving them any special treatment either.

First of all, I want to thank you for staying with me. I know it might not seem like it but I actually am willing to change my mind. I have given out 3 deltas actually but that was to users who made me understand why some people might see my behaviour as unfair. Long story short, there are different definitions of "fair" and the definition I used was, "treating people equally without favouritism or discrimination", my view was that I don't give anyone special treatment so why should I give special treatment to international students just because they're international students? I'm treating everyone fairly.

/u/MontiBurns agreed that Whites do get extra attention from the opposite sex than non-Whites do, they do have more people wanting to talk to them, they do get treated more nicely by strangers, they do get free drinks and special seating sometimes. If this is the case, why should I give the international students any special treatment when they wouldn't give me any special treatment in their country? In the case of Asian international students, they expect me to know about their culture and their language just because of my race when I go to their countries. So why is it unfair for me to expect them to know our Australian culture, speak English fluently and criticise them when they get things wrong?

Okay, here is one of many travel blogs:

She mentions encountering great hostility since she didn't speak Chinese just because of her race, yet her White friends got no special treatment whatsoever. She even mentions that Whites do get preferential treatment in China.

Not at all, Whites get treated better in every single country and I would be mistreated because of my race, even in Asia. So why should I be nice to these disgusting international students? Why should I give them any special treatment when they wouldn't have done the same for me in their countries? Go on, CMV.

/r/changemyview Thread Parent