CMV: Disapproving of a particular religion doesn't necessarily make you a bigot.

Clearly you didn't actually read the full poll, either that or you don't consider execution as punishment for leaving a religion, or enforcing religious law by the will of the state, to be an extremist principle.

Outline what you are talking about, the only polls I saw there were about shariah law

We don't know for sure whether or not this violence would exist with or without Islam. What do know is that in other nations with similar pasts, religious extremism has not developed

and in others it has with different religions, even in regions with less reason to do so. What you've said here does not support what I have stated I think your argument is.

I'm sure SOME violence would still be there without Islam, as in many developing nations, but plenty of other violent acts wouldn't have happened.

Explain, you've just said that we don't know for sure whether violence would exist with or with out, yet you seem to have no qualms with this statement, and further more you still have not proved that if you instead inserted Christianity that similar violence would not have happened, this argument isn't about whether religion results in violence it is whether Islam is causes more violence than other religions under the same scenarios, thus making Islam deserved of special criticism.

but in Christianity that is more of a fringe whereas in Islam it is more of the norm.

Again, prove it, you went through the trouble of finding information on conservative Islam, now do the same for Christianity, to make it more fair, do it for the same regions or similarly troubled regions that are christian dominate.

This is where I feel it is reasonable to call out that you certainly have a bias against Islam or for Christianity, or simply a western bias if you simply didn't try to find these articles. If you cannot come up with articles that would support your point from the christian side then why give Islam special treatment?

it makes the religion more violent, which makes devout followers more violent

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you mean fundamentalists.

/r/changemyview Thread