CMV: Even if all of the Russian hacking allegations are true, it's really not a big deal

It kind of is, because you explicitly state that Hillary moving towards "a war with Russia" is a justification for the Russian manipulation of the US election outcome. You also seem to think it's going to happen, because you ask in your CMV if we "want a fucking war with Russia?".

I'm trying to differentiate between the concepts "WW3" and "War with Russia." I'm focused on the war with Russia, that is something I absolutely think would have been likely under a Hillary presidency. Putin even said exactly that, although I don't believe anything he says.

?>I'm trying to change your view about the idea that there would be some sort of "war". You seem to already have some parts right about this though. Namely, that everything she has proposed towards Syria is pretty uncontroversial. Her approach is mostly a continuation of the Obama administrations, with a bit more ambition sprinkled in to probably try and appease voters wanting to see some sort of change.

I'm trying to change your view about the idea that there would be some sort of "war". You seem to already have some parts right about this though. Namely, that everything she has proposed towards Syria is pretty uncontroversial. Her approach is mostly a continuation of the Obama administrations, with a bit more ambition sprinkled in to probably try and appease voters wanting to see some sort of change.

People were responding to the WW3 comment like I was invoking reductio ad hitlerum, and I was just trying to clear that up. Whether or not WW3 would be the result isn't my point, my point is that there would have been much increased tensions with Russia, with war being a likely outcome.

And I really was a bit unclear here, so that's my bad. Some of these people aren't accepting my clarifications though (Not talking about you).

No, it's really not. What exactly has she done that makes you think she is aiming to push Russia into war?

She talked shit about Russia literally every single chance she got. She enacted policy to increase tensions with Russia. She was talking about Russia like we're still in a cold war. She's a warhawk, funded and supported by the military industrial complex. I don't need any more evidence, if you're unconvinced then that's fine with me.

The Russians will probably resist the idea, but if Hillary was absolutely uncompromising they would likely cooperate as they already do with other US air-activity over Syria.

That's totally possible, but when analyzing this it's important to consider all possible outcomes. I never said a war with Russia was 100%, I'm saying it's not an unlikely outcome. The fact that cooperation is also a likely outcome really doesn't counter my core point.

World-War-3 is not shorthand for tensions with Russia. You even said yourself you thought there would be an actual all out war and asked in your CMV if we wanted one. So I take it you don't actually think there will be a war?

It was a mistake I've clarified about 30 times now. My apologies for not speaking 100% clearly. If you're interested in a conversation in good faith let's just move on from this point. I'm talking about a war with Russia, not necessarily WW3.

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