CMV: Greed and religion causes most of the world’s problems

“It's very easy to generalize religion and religious beliefs, but the point of religion is to answer moral questions people are otherwise unable to think about or comprehend. For example, there is no amount of scientific and statistical data that would help us decide whether or not our society should utilize the death penalty as a form of punishment. We have to make that decision ourselves, and lots of different people have lots of different opinions on it.”

Wouldn’t it be better to make such a big decision like that using reason instead of superstition?

“Distributing resources fairly and give disadvantaged people more opportunities

is a direct conflict of

Authoritarian countries are bad and a problem”

Are you saying authoritarian systems are the only way to distribute resources more fairly? What about democratic socialism like in Norway? Having a free market system yet using a lot of the tax for social services?

“Government, I would argue, is an extremely important part of our lives and is the only true way to creating an equitable society, in exchange for some "freedoms" being unaccessible. I personally do not value what most Americans consider freedom, and I would also consider that a loaded term. Your use of authoritarian is also very vague and only includes three world powers that oppose the United States. Can you elaborate on what you mean by authoritarian?”

From Wikipedia: Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by the rejection of political plurality, the use of a strong central power to preserve the political status quo, and reductions in the rule of law, separation of powers, and democratic voting.

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