CMV: Human nature isn't as rigidly defined by (and suited to) capitalism, as many would have me believe.

I'm going to post this as a nested comment, so that I can try and be objective about this without the moderators removing it because it isn't explicitly for or against. While in practical terms I have less in common with Capitalists, I prefer to associate with them, because the Left generally refuse to accept the company of anyone who expresses dissent.

I believe that as a philosophy, Marxism originated directly from the Illuminati; a group of individuals whose goal was (and remains) the extinction of all carbon based life. To be fair to Marxists, Capitalism originated with the same group as well. I'm also aware that I will receive copious downvotes and mockery simply for making the Illuminati reference, but that said individuals will be engaging in said mockery and downvoting because they have been brainwashed to do so. In a way, hitting the collective mind control triggers is a good way of figuring out who is still vaguely capable of intellectual autonomy, and who isn't.

My own perspective is that "human nature," is inherently neutral. It is neither good or bad, by itself. My own misanthropy does not originate from the idea that humans are evil as such, but rather that we are extremely stupid, unwise and unintelligent. Most of us do not recognise that entirely non-altruistic, win/lose based ethics are ultimately self-defeating. You don't need to invest in the commons as an idea because you necessarily care about other people, but because if you don't nurture said public domain, then it loses the ability to nurture you.

I am not a Marxist, however. I believe that both Marxism and Capitalism are byproducts of the Hegelian dialectic; and that the entire point of Marx' theory of class warfare was not to recognise something that already existed, but to create class warfare. The scenario is one of thesis, leading to antithesis, leading to synthesis.

  • Thesis, which is the given in-group; let's say /r/Socialism as a great example.

  • Antithesis; Someone from /r/Socialism sees a post made in /r/Anarcho_Capitalism, claiming that the rich are still taxed too much, which sets off a firestorm of conflict between both subreddits.

  • Synthesis. Because it is believed (or claimed, by the same people who instigated the conflict in the first place) that humans are inherently incapable of peace, some other group (the United Nations, or social justice warriors) who are sufficiently sick of conflict, decide that they are going to arbitrarily enforce a certain politically correct consensus, which is of course ultimately a form of tyranny.

So the only real reason why either Marxism or Capitalism as distinct ideologies ultimately exist, is in order to divide and sort people into different opposing teams, who are then encouraged to fight each other to the point of mutual exhaustion; at which point, the totalitarian "peace," is then imposed by a third party.

The thing that I need to emphasise here, is just how truly, deeply, and possibly irreperably philosophically fucked Millennials in particular really are, and most of them don't know it; they have no idea. I see genuinely extinction-inducing thinking from that generation on a literally momentary basis. They are completely and unsparingly degenerate. Marxism in particular is an ideological tarpit that is virtually impossible to get out of, once it has infected your mind; and that was by deliberate design.

There is another negative characteristic which both of these ideologies share, and that is the fact that, if only they were honest, neither of them truly give a shit about empiricism. Both exist as a set of rote routines derived from theories, and neither have virtually any relationship with genuine reality whatsoever. Capitalism is marginally less delusional, which is the reason why it has been mostly dominant for the last hundred and forty years or so, while the Left have been busy treading water, mindlessly worshipping Marx, and engaging in the same futile victimhood based tactics over, and over, and over again.

Because it attempted genuine unity, Keynesian social democracy was the most intelligent thing that members of either camp have ever engaged in; but predictably, good old Hegel came to the rescue, and we're currently heading back to the 1880s, because middle ground and compromise are not things that either side truly wants. Neither group recognises that the other has any legitimate reason to exist. They each want to destroy the other. Socialists talk about unity all the time; but in reality they only want solidarity with people who agree with them. The technological unemployment event loop is also having much more dire consequences during the current iteration than it did back then, as well. We were able to survive that one; we may not survive this.

Capitalism is easier to extract yourself from ideologically, for two main reasons:-

a} Capitalism makes no real pretense of moral superiority, or holding the moral high ground. You're reasonably likely, in my observation, to encounter a self-identifying Objectivist who will cheerfully and seriously acknowledge to you that they are evil. Anton LeVey, the founder of the American Church of Satan, said that the only real difference between Satanism and Objectivism was ceremony.

By contrast, cloying, nauseating appeals to Utopia and revered figures like Gandhi, are the Left's bread and butter; and this is usually accompanied by massive self-delusion about the fact that Gandhi in particular was nowhere near the saint he is depicted as, either. I've also always found MLK's levels of self-righteousness offensive, and he is of course another of the Left's sacred cows.

b} Capitalists tend to have a slightly greater degree of tolerance for dissenting opinions. This is because of the two, Capitalists allow for the concept of individuality. The Left make no such allowance. You are either part of the Hive Mind, and literally worship Marx's every word, or you are an Enemy of the People. Watch how many replies to this post, tell me to take some lithium or something similar. We've reached a point where any dissent is immediately assumed to be a form of mental illness.

TL;DR - Capitalism and Marxism are both bullshit, and (mostly) as bad as each other. Both ideologies originated from a group of literally demonic psychopaths whose goal is human extinction, and they are probably going to achieve said objective.

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