CMV: Parents should not be able to opt out of their child getting sex education at school.

I agree with you. Outside of the parents are well informed and know that the education is going to be ass. I, recently graduated and from TeXaS high school could have gone without being told I’m a whore bc I let Billy Joe touch my boob. /s That I’m a piece of gum that after being chewed won’t ever be loved. That your heart is a piece of pie and every time you have sex, you’re giving a slice away so by the time you meet the person you want forever, you’ll have nothing to give them. I could have lived my life never hearing that shit. My mom wasn’t the best at explaining sex bc she was a product of literally the exact education (small town, graduated from the same school only a 20 year time difference) But I think that if there’s gonna be those ass hats that force that education on students, the government should provide students/parents the ability to opt, but make them go to an actual sex-education not the abstinence only pedaling. However, it’s illegal in a lot of states to public, (meaning using government funds) to teach anything other that abstinence. Fuck abstinence only education.

/r/changemyview Thread Parent