CMV: Political Correctness is dumb and people are too easily offended

The flaw in these arguments about our society being "too PC" is those people also draw lines to what is acceptable.

Is it acceptable to say "haha that soldier has PC!"? I mean I should be able to say what I want right? Or "9/11 was so dope. We did kinda deserve it."? You wouldn't go up to a family member of a 9/11 victim and be like "Osama Bin Laden's that dude, am I right?". No, until you're an asshole. And that's the PC culture in a nutshell, certain words or thoughts make you an asshole to a group of large demographic of people.

For example, a white guy in a sombrero is a white guy trying to inaccurately portray a Mexican for a costume. A Mexican person is not a costume, they're a human being.

Asking an Asian person "where are you born?" seems pretty unfair when white people don't get asked that. It's assumed they are from the US. Even though they are both equally American if they are born here.

If that Asian person or white person had an accent that sounded like it did not come from the US, then anyone who would get mad is overreacting. Then again it's none of your business to know where they're from.

Often racial based jokes are condescending and fueled by stereotypes that are grounded in racism. Jokes need the right context. Louis CK can say the n-word because his bit was funny. But Joey Dixie Rebel Anti-PC Renegade can't just say it or repeat CK's bit and think it's ok. It's all about context.

I think we can get rid of PC culture when the main backers of Anti-PC culture don't get offended at people mocking jesus, America, and white traditions. But in general PC culture has become the norm because we have gotten to a point where we think, maybe we shouldn't encourage people to say a particular thing.

NOTE: I'd like to add separately that South Park can do anti-PC culture stuff because they were approaching it from an argument that white people use it to sound like they care, but in reality when faced with certain things they "support" they feel uncomfortable. Basically that they are being PC for show.

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