CMV: Reddit was wrong to ban /r/fatpeoplehate but not /r/shitredditsays.

SRS means well

I would agree with you sarcastically, but such a thing would be low effort and frankly quite petty. Instead I shall give a rousing rebuttal of your statement, given in essay format.

Some say SRS means well. I would postulate that they do not in fact mean well, and are a base vile subreddit devoted to mocking and brigading opinions unpopular to them. But, what about all the other shit says subreddits and inaction subreddits? Are they also guilty of the same cancer?

SRS, or shit reddit says is devoted wholey to mocking the opinions of others. It's not a place to enjoy drama or funny pictures or the stupid things some people say. It's a place to gather and laugh/mock the opinions they deem incorrect. How is this any better than mocking someone due to their appearance? In fact, I would put forward that this is even worse than a sub such as fat people hate, as one can choose to not be fat! Opinions are formed by experience and a number of other things, and require some doing to change. You cannot simply stop having a certain opinion like you could stop eating and lose weight.

SRS can be compared by some to similar shit says and inaction subreddits. However, it is fundamentally different in several ways. Most of said subreddits peruse and are limited to a single opposing subreddit and have strict rules against linking directly. Generally these other subreddits are devoted to mocking a single sub/website instead of an entire idealogy. Unlike these, SRS makes a point to take any opinion they disagree with and completely shit on the ones making it, to the point of calling for their suicide.

SRS is cancerous and cannot possibly mean well, seeing as they are a subreddit devoted completely and exclusively to mocking anyone who does not fit their narrative and linking directly to said comments. Their violent vitriol knows no bounds, and they mock people exclusively for something that cannot be easily changed, and focuse on the entirety of reddit as a whole. As such, I can firmly and conclusively state that SRS is indeed a toxic shithole which in no way means well.

lol, okay.

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