CMV: I support LGB, but not the T (NSFW)

The point is all of it together, and the normalisation of it in modern culture that pushes people down this path. We must remember and respect that this is there for a disorder, and is an extreme situation, it should not be encouraged as it is today.

I do think many sorts of operations etc. are problems like FGM, circumcision etc. and yes people have a right to do it, but then we must accept responsibility if we encourage or promote that culture. If we promote a culture that permits FGM, and a woman feels mutilated and her life is ruined afterwards for it, then a degree of the burden is on us. We enabled that to happen by allowing it to manifest in a culture whereby that was normalised. I see the same happening with LGBT.

I have no issue with gender dysphoria itself. The problem I have is that adjusting the physical self to match the mental issue is an easy and profitable way out of an incredibly complex mental illness. Rather than invest real time and real money into helping these people, we are pushing for a 'quick fix' solution in our culture of instant gratification whereby we focus on pleasure infliction and instant happiness, when the road to recovery is likely a much longer path back than we are willing to accept.

Our treatment of mental health, proper treatment, even in supposedly advanced western nations, is nothing short of disgusting itself. I think this is a cop out in all honesty. I would rather spend more of my tax looking for actual alternatives to help these people than to spend it on mutilation and pushing people, not all, but many, towards more issues as outlined in this study.

From the study:


Persons with transsexualism, after sex reassignment, have considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity than the general population. Our findings suggest that sex reassignment, although alleviating gender dysphoria, may not suffice as treatment for transsexualism, and should inspire improved psychiatric and somatic care after sex reassignment for this patient group.

What is your take on studies like this? Do you accept them or dismiss them because they don't back up your views? (confirmation bias - logical fallacy)

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