CMV: Tough love and criticism greatly benefits men, but destroys women

My own experiences align with your observations. Most women hate "tough-love" and bootcamp style training. They prefer positive encouragement and respond better to supportive guidance from me.

You piss of a fat man, and the anger will drive him to do pushups while dreaming of kicking your ass. You piss of a fat woman, and the anger will just turn into frustration, sadness, a lot of ice cream and various forms of comfort.

It fits in with other observations, such as ones with women generally doing better in cooperative environments and performing considerably worse than men in pressured, antagonistic, and competitive environments.

However since this is a CMV, I think one minor point I can bring up is that while I agree with you on the individualist view, they suffer as a collective with such an approach when it's taken too far.

One of the only gilded comments I've ever gotten, I talked about my experiences in various McDojos and a boxing gym.

TL;DR: The women were definitely treated with padded gloves (figuratively as well as literally). The worst case I remember was a girl who at the time had 5 years more XP in McDojos than me and yet thought Scissor Kicks were a real thing. I sprained her leg during a spar accidentally, and was hated on by all the guys for at least a week because she was pretty/cute and that is rare for a fighting gym.

In the short term, yeah it does probably hurt them more. But in the long term, and as a collective, women could stand to benefit in some ways from "tough love" and learn to better deal with things on their own without coddling or support from others.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread