CMV: True adherents of the teachings of Jesus would not vote Republican.

Not to hijack your thread, but this isnt completely off topic. As a conservative libertarian, i think roe v. wade was unconstitutional. It has no business being a federal law unless it is ammended by all 50 states. This is under the pretext of [often overlooked and underestimated power of] the 10th amendment. The reason being is that the law authorizes the federal government to control the funding to states and if a state does not comply, the feds will take over. That is not supposed to be how it works.

However, i dont see why individual states cannot make their own laws regarding the subject. I dont believe abortion is inherently a constitutional right.

Morally, i am against abortion. Libs tend to advocate "social justice" and "freedom of choice", yet it is only left to the mother and the fetus is always overlooked. One life is deemed to have more rights than the other thus assuming moral relativism with very serious implications. There are always options for women who do not want a child such as the morning after pill, essentially a form of birth control. I am also at least consistent as libs tend to generally not support capital punishment (i do not, under the pretext of certain dramatic changes in the government that need to take place to increase psychological welfare of the citizenry).

Above all else, the most important birth control is unbiased education. Not liberal education. Not religious education. Objective education aimed at decensorship and unravelling taboo and creating understanding surounding everything sex.

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