College Liberal on sexual orientation and preferences.

Our standards of ideal beauty have morphed tremendously over the last century or so with the emergence of the media

No it hasnt. But women's asses have morphed tremendously. Even if it had, which it hasn't, it doesn't even hint that desires have changed because of the media, rather than the media changing because of desires.

1915 sex symbol. Not fat.,%20Theda/Bara,%20Theda%20(Cleopatra)_03.jpg

1935 sex symbol. Not fat.*-S1NZa7KWTIY*TVu_sKQyguI*AAAAAAAAJi0*tATMsBO7j8Q*s400*Vivien*252520Leigh*252520Gone*252520with*252520the*252520wind.jpg/

1955 sex symbol. Not fat.

I'm not saying homosexuality is 100% biological, but the biological aspect is significant.

And the preference for chicks that aren't fat? 100% MTV?

People are born into the most conservative, gay hating christian families and end up being gay, why would anyone ever make that choice?

Nobody chooses to be fat.

Gender is a cultural construct, if you think otherwise do some research.

There isn't any research that concludes gender is a social construct.

Learn about gender from experts in the field,

Experts do not make this statement. Experts say they have no fucking idea. Experts say they only just mapped the human genome in this generation, and anyone who claims to know how it works is a blowhard.

you get all of your knowledge on gender from reddit and fox news your perspective is expected.

I'm ABD in the subject. Where did you get your knowledge of endocrinology and evolutionary biology?

slim women garner a certain amount of privilege in our society,

I agree. But anyone who says this is because of "the media" is a fraud.

and I for one hope that I can have a daughter one day who doesn't spend her whole life hating her body.

Who the fuck said anything about hating bodies. This thread is about the cause of preference for slim women. You are definitely a fatty. I for one hope that you stop hating yourself.

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