Coming out of a year Long depression and have really let myself go.

Depression can be rough. Lost out on a major opportunity that I worked very hard for do to some organizational bs. to get there i worked my ass off for a year and a half going from 240lb to 178lb. Before - After -

So from December of 2013 until probably august of 2014 I lost all motivation to do anything as everything i banked on since 2011 when I got out of school was destroyed and to top it off I totaled my car when a guy pulled out in front of me which led to the death of the passenger several days later. I finally came out of it after I switched my life goals but never went back to training. Climbed back into the 220-230 range and started going back to the gym. and this is me as of a couple of weeks ago. I have been back a month but can only go twice a week and one day of running outside so progress is slow. Just trying to stay motivated to get back to where I was. The advice I can give you one the weight loss is to stay motivated and don't give up. Do cardio, I ran/walked untill I could run for 3 miles straight and would do 45 minutes of cardio 2-3 times per week. Lift weights if you can and if not do body weight exercise at least 2 times a week. Now 2 days a week isn't a lot but it will do it, that's what I did as my schedule was tight. Diet, there a complicated ways a lot will recommend with different levels of carbs/calories/fats but something as simple as lowering the amount you eat and the times you eat make the most difference. On the depression front I guess I can say that if it happens again to try to come to terms and reevaluate your life and what you want, that helped/helps me. I would go through bad stages of thinking everything I worked for was a waste and I would never be able to fix it. I just had to think it through and tell myself it was ok.

/r/loseit Thread