Comment from a YouTube video that was generalising millenials as Instagram addicts that only care about instant gratification.

You're generalizing just like anyone here who was generalizing boomers. Maybe kids these days don't have as much manners as older generations. But guess who raised us? I also feel that, even though I totally agree with giving older people who have seen more of the world some respect, we are more convinced that age does not define people. I'm sure it also depends on where you live. In rural areas, where I grew up, "kids these days" still bring enough respect to anybody above their age and still are very involved in chores. I just think WE don't accept being pushed around by YOU as much as you did when you were younger. That might be considered rude by people who don't get it, but I think it's a positive direction we are going here. If you bring us respect, we'll respect you too.

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