company weeds out snowflake applications

Me, too!

Outside of standard benefits, what benefits should a company offer employees?

Paid maternity and paternity leave. Health care. Everything that should be standard, but from what I heard isn't.
None-greasy food option in the canteen.
If you have to travel long distances to work in another city on subsequent days now and again you should be able to stay in a hotel overnight on the company's cost.

What should the national minimum wage be?

About 10$? I don't really know enough to give a definite answer.

How many sick days should be given to employees?


How often should employees get raises?

Depends on how long they have been at the company, how much they already get, and how their workplace morale is.

How do you feel about guns?

I'm a little scared of them.

What are your feelings about employees or clients carrying guns?

I'd prefer if they didn't, but if they are calm, responsible people I wouldn't be against it.

What are your feelings about safe spaces in challenging work environments?

I don't know what "safe space" means in this context. Do toilets count as a safe space? If I have some kind of break-down, I'll go cry on the toilet for a minute or two.

In a creative environment like The Silent Partner Marketing, what do you envision work attire looking like?

T-shirt, hoodie and jeans. Shorts in summer.

Should “trigger warnings” be issued before we release content for clients or the company that might be considered “controversial”?

If there is a picture of a spider inside, I'd appreciate it, but I wouldn't insist on it.
Last time a picture of a spider in a magazine suprised me I threw it in the air. I landed a feet away.
And I'd rather never see a dog f*cking a man again (thanks, 4chan), so it depends on how controversial it is.

How do you feel about police?

If the policemen do their job, great. If they break the law, they should probably not be policemen anymore.

If you owned the company and were to find out that a client is operating unethically but was a high paying client…how would you handle it?

Ask a lawyer what to do. If I still want to have a business relationship to them depends on how unethically they are operating.

When was the last time you cried and why?

Today. I failed at doing my job properly. It didn't work out like intended and I let people down.

You arrive at an event for work and there’s a major celebrity you’ve always wanted to meet. What happens next?

I find a friend and tell them all about how much I've always wanted to meet that celebrity.

What’s your favorite kind of adult beverage?


What’s the best way to communicate with clients?


What’s your favorite thing to do in your free time?

Video games, reading, going on the internet.

What are your thoughts on the current college environment as it pertains to a future workforce?

It seems too expensive.
Colleges also seem to be too closed off from the real world. Too many students believe the world is going to change for them. Colleges shouldn't be echo chambers, they should broaden your horizons.

What’s your typical breakfast?

A mini chinois with chocolate chips.

What’s your favorite drink when you go to a coffeehouse?

I always order something different without coffee in it.

How do you handle bullies?

Depends on how bad they are. I'll first try laughing with them (which is what worked in school, I'm used to making fun of myself), but if I can't handle it alone I'd go to a surperior.

How do you handle it when your ideas are shot down?

Ask why they are shot down. If I don't get a reason I'd handle it by crying when I'm alone. (I'm one of those people who cry a lot.)

What do you do if a coworker comes to the table with an idea and it sucks?

Try to improve it with them, or tell them why I think it wouldn't work.

What does the first amendment mean to you?

It's very important and without the freedoms this amendment grants you should redo your whole government. Freedom of speech for example is very important for a nation's progress.

What does faith mean to you?

It's good for your mental health, but only if you want to have faith.

Who is your role model and why?

The Dalai Lama. With topics that seem to have an obvious answer to me he hesitates, because he pauses to consider people that I didn't think to think about.

“You’re in Starbucks with two friends. Someone runs in and says someone is coming in with a gun in 15 seconds to shoot patrons. They offer you a gun. Do you take it? What do you do next?”

I'd fire the gun into the ceiling, so people would know to take cover, but then I'd try to give the gun to a better shot.

What does America mean to you?

It's a country. It could do better, but it could also do a lot worse.

You see someone stepping on an American flag. What do you do?

Frown at them.

What does “privilege” mean to you?

I know I'm privileged, but I also have disadvantages that others don't have.

What’s more important? Book smarts or street smarts? Why?

Street smarts, because how you interact with people is more important than how good you are at math.

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