Concert goers, what concert were you so excited for ended up being horrible?

I can't remember the band but it was in westfest in auckland. This poor girl got pulled up Tony Tony: I am willing to come to a reasonable agreement which results in us all moving forward and everyone getting access to zyzz. I developed this stuff at considerable personal cost and have spent an enormous amount of time on it. I have met every obligation I have said I would meet. I have done everything I said I would do and more. I am not going to be threatened or blackmailed into doing anything so let me know when you're ready to discuss things productively

please pass this on the front row and you could tell she was really nervous and didn't wanna be up there. The crowd probably lifted her after she was selected, anyway the lead singer was trying to get her to sing parts of the song and she clearly was not up for that.

So at one point he just yells into the mike "stop the fucking music" and everything goes quiet and proceeds to tell her if she doesn't sing they'll stop performing.

The girl visibly shaken from all the pressure tries to sing the parts he forces on her. Anyway after the singing parts done the band proceeds to more or less play on and shes stuck standing awkwardly there infront of a crowd of in excess of 25,000 people. Eventually someone comes from sidestage to save her and then i saw her crying in the audience mortified and proceeds to leave the full day festival hours early.

I was pretty upset to be honest after watching this.

/r/AskReddit Thread