Congrats, Internet. You killed a man.

Are you stupid or just high as shit?

If you think holding a woman accountable to the same level as a man is incel shit then you might really be that fucking stupid.

I still actually believe/support REAL feminism. Equal rights, pay, treatment in society, free feminine products because they shouldn’t have to pay for shit to bleed on, abortion rights and much much more. I can absolutely support and get behind that. My wife/sister/friends who are female are humans. Humans who deserves the same rights and freedom that I have.

This shit that gets spouted out nowadays isn’t feminism anymore. Its all about special treatment while they #allmenaretrash and then cry about being held accountable for their fuck ups they had full knowledge of doing and just thought they’d get a free pass. It’s about being above men and it’s bullshit.

I expect the same shit from a grown woman as a grown man. Integrity with the ability to own up to your mistakes and shortcomings without being a piece of shit about it. It’s not fucking hard to understand.

I need to leave this thread because all you are giving me a goddamn headache.

/r/TrueOffMyChest Thread Parent