Considering leaving my husband (40M) due to his gaming use

Thanks for all the helpful advice so far. I have talked to him so many times about his use & that I feel he might be addicted, that I feel like a broken record. Any time I did try to put limits on his use in the past, he has told me I "am like his mother". So I feel really demeaned.

I just told him today that I am done feeling alone and shamed, any time I bring it up. This is the first time I have ever brought up us being separated, throughout our whole relationship. So needless to say he is hurt. He thinks that I don't care enough for me to say I will leave if something doesn't change. He also thinks I am "giving him an ultimatum". I just told him I can't deal with the emotional stress that gaming is causing our relationship when I need the energy and focus for my pregnancy and taking care of our son. His gaming really added to my stress when I was pregnant with our first and I am worried it won't be any different. So that I think is what pushed me over the edge to make plans on how I will work out things should I separate.

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